“I’m a fat person because I work in a 9-5 corporate”!
The statement has become more of a “Fad” than a real problem!
Ask any of your workers, “Why do you have so much belly fat?” The answer would be pretty simple: “I’ve got a desk job!”
Surprisingly, it’s the common dialogue of nearly all obese people, especially in America! The obesity rate in America has already surged and will continue to grow in the upcoming years!
Well, the facts don’t lie!
- Speaking of the percentage of Americans that are obese, as per the National Institutes of Health (NIH), more than 40% of adults are obese people. (Source: National Institutes of Health (NIH)).
- According to Al Arabiya, the obesity rate in America is expected to rise significantly, with adult men’s up to 81% and women’s up to 82%, respectively. (Source: AI Arabiya Network).
- More than 250 million Americans will be obese people by 2050, as per the study published Thursday in “The Lancet Medical Journal”. (Source: The Lancet).
Sounds surprising, doesn’t it?
That’s the shocking obesity rate in America!
But don’t worry! I’m here to debunk some myths related to desk jobs and belly fat while updating you with some tips and simple exercises for obese people.
Before that, let’s understand why people get obese! Let’s dive in!
Table of Contents
- What Causes Belly Fat? Are Desk Jobs Bad for Your Health?
- Final Thoughts
What Causes Belly Fat? Are Desk Jobs Bad for Your Health?
To put it simply, “Belly Fat” is fat (thick layer of skin) that surrounds our body parts and can be in visceral or subcutaneous form, either. Though many corporate workers blame their hectic lifestyle and prolonged sitting hours, that’s just completely bullshit!
Going with such logic then everybody who works in a 9-5 corporate job has a “belly fat”.
But you do see some fit or lean people, too!
So, are desk jobs bad for your health? Well, obviously not!
The reason behind your obesity is none other than “Chronic Overeating”!
Mark my words- “It’s the root cause of nearly all health problems, including obesity, heartburn, improper sleep, depression, you name it!”
Chronic Overeating means when a person is regularly eating more than the usual quantity just to enjoy the taste or thinking that they will get stronger because they’re hitting the gym daily.
Furthermore, it is the biggest reason why there’s a large percentage of the US that is obese!
Even ScienceDirect claims that one common and serious factor among a lot of obese people is “binge eating”. (Source: ScienceDirect).
Although consuming a healthy diet is key to fat loss, you should also keep calories in count to avoid overeating.
Here are the complete 2020-2025 dietary guidelines for Americans based on their daily calorie requirements.
- Male: (Age 19-30 Years)- 2,400–3,000 calories.
- Females: (Age 19-30 Years)- 2,000–2,400 calories
- Male: (Age 31-60 Years)- 2,200–3,000 calories
- Females: (Age 31-60 Years)- 1,600–2,200 calories
Note: Remember that these estimates apply to a healthy adult. This calorie intake chart doesn’t apply to those with pre-existing health conditions or females who are pregnant or nursing.
But now the question arises- Are you really obese? What is a healthy BMI?
Let’s find out!
Why Understanding Obese BMI Is Important?

Generally, BMI or Body Mass Index is a tool to calculate whether a person is overweight or not. It is a standard measurement tool even being used by government and private health institutions worldwide. It is a value which is calculated by dividing the weight in kilograms by height in meters squared.
If you’re confused about whether you have an overweight BMI or an ideal BMI, let’s look at the range suggested by the National Institute of Health.
- Normal or Healthy Weight- 18.5 to 24.9 BMI
- Overweight- 25 to 29.9 BMI
- Obesity (including severe obesity)- 30+ BMI
- Severe Obesity- 40+
Now that you have got the idea of obese BMI, you know where to stand!
Remember that one day of overeating will not make you obese! Instead, it takes months and years of chronic or prolonged overeating to make you!
Without further ado, it’s time to debunk some popular myths buzzing on the internet related to desk jobs and obesity!
What are the Common Myths About Desk Jobs & Belly Fat?
Since the percentage of Americans who are obese is on the higher side, it’s time to take some quick actions to make Americans fit and active. Let’s debunk useless myths related to desk jobs and belly fat that have been going on for years.
Myth 1: Desk Jobs Automatically Lead to Belly Fat
One of the biggest myths related to desk jobs is that it makes you obese. But that’s not true! Having said that, a desk job isn’t the main culprit of your obesity. Instead, there could be multiple reasons behind it, including a sedentary lifestyle, gut imbalance, higher stress levels, improper sleep, genetics, and more.
Myth 2: Spot Reduction Exercises Will Burn Belly Fat
Another myth spreading on the internet is that doing crunches at night after a hectic desk job will reduce belly fat. But that’s true! Note- “Spot Reduction is Impossible!”. It’s not practically possible to lose fat only from specific areas of your body and research also proved the same!
Research on 24 people was conducted where they performed abdominal exercises for 45 days and found no positive fat loss results. (Source: National Library of Medicine).
Even if you just have a little belly fat, you cannot expect it to vanish through abdominal workouts.
Myth 3: Skipping Lunch Helps Manage Weight
It is something most corporate workers do and end up compromising their health in the long run. If you skip your lunch then you may lead to overeating later in the day which ultimately leads to stubborn belly fat. Remember that you should consume a balanced diet at regular intervals to maintain a healthy body weight.
Myth 4: Standing Desks Will Solve the Problem
Even if you replace your chair with a standing desk, it will not solve the problem! Though standing desks can reduce sitting time, they are still not linked to calorie burn or fat loss. Thus, it’s a complete myth that standing desks will solve the obesity issue.
Myth 5: Stress from Desk Jobs Doesn’t Affect Belly Fat
If you’re suffering from severe work stress then you’re automatically counted among obese people. Stress is directly linked to higher cortisol in the body which leads to the accumulation of belly fat.
More than 75% of Americans reported being stressed out at the workplace while 57% experienced negative health impacts due to work-related stress. (Source: American Psychological Association).
Surprising, but that’s the sad reality! That’s why the obesity rate in America is exponentially high!
How to Reduce Belly Fat During a Desk Job?
It is proven that sitting doesn’t solely lead to obesity. Instead, there are multiple factors involved. But if you’re tired of obesity and want to get rid of your belly fat, here are the effective tips to reduce belly fat even a desk job.
- Move Regularly
One of the best tips to reduce belly fat is to move regularly even during office hours. However, it doesn’t mean that you should hamper your work. Try to do your work but don’t forget to take 5 minutes of break in between to keep your body active. If possible, try to take short breaks every 60 minutes to 90 minutes to avoid health issues like obesity, neck pain, lower back pain, acidity, eye strain, and more.
- Stay Hydrated
Remember that the more water you drink, the less you crave to eat more. Now, after reading the blog post, you know how dangerous “overeating” is. Aim for at least 3-4 liters of water a day to keep yourself hydrated. When you drink plenty of water, you will eat less which ultimately puts you in a calorie deficit state, beneficial for shedding extra pounds.
Even studies suggest that drinking enough water is directly linked to lower body weight, which leads to lower overweight BMI. (Source: National Library of Medicine).
- Strict Your Calorie Intake
Another major fat loss tip is that you should always stay close to your daily calorie intake. Try to take calories from a clean and nutritious diet to avoid belly fat accumulation. Ensure you have a good breakfast before you move out and try to eat something protein-rich in between your lunch and breakfast meals to avoid overeating.
- Strength Training is Key
Once you’re done with all the above fat loss tips, you won half of the battle! Now, spare some time to hit the gym either after your working hours or early in the gym. Remember that there are benefits of strength training exercises and if you lift weights, you will not only lose fat but also gain muscle mass.
Performing strength training exercises alone can help a healthy individual lose up to 1.4% of their entire body fat without cardio. (Source: National Library of Medicine).
- Correct your Sitting Posture
Lastly, it is directly linked to fat loss, though, it’s important to keep your skeletal health in good condition. Remember that the way you sit while working does matter a lot! Always keep your spine and neck straight. Furthermore, try to keep a distance of 20-30 inches between your eyes and computer/laptop.
Final Thoughts
So, there you have it! That’s a wrap to the top myths debunked related to desk jobs and obesity! Remember that consistency is key to maintaining optimal health. If you follow these fat loss tips, you will surely get results. However, before you start any of the above tips, it’s recommended to consult your doctor or a medical practitioner to avoid side effects and reap maximum benefits.
For more fitness-related information, stay tuned to Strength Iron!
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